Nirveda Gallic Rose + Java Plum + Indian Madder, 60 pcs
Nirveda Gallic Rose + Java Plum + Indian Madder, 60 pcs

Nirveda Gallic Rose + Java Plum + Indian Madder, 60 pcs


Suffering from digestive inflammation?

Living your days in pain?

Treat inflammation-related pain naturally!

Indian rose apple contains 4 special Eastern herbs that can contribute to the treatment of inflammatory complaints! Indian Eastern medicine has been using gulab kali, manjistha, jamun, and punarnava for decades for inflammatory complaints due to their cooling effects. These herbs have been supplemented with vitamin D3 to ensure faster absorption.

Indian rose apple is an Ayurvedic vitamin complex that combines herbs favored in Eastern medicine with vitamins, facilitating them to exert their desired effect sooner!

If there is inflammation in our body, we may not always realize it immediately, yet it can have serious consequences. Indian rose apple is a natural anti-inflammatory that can contribute to the relief of inflammatory complaints due to its cooling properties!

Gulab kali (Rosa Gallica), or known in English as French rose or Gallic rose, is one of the favorite herbs in Eastern medicine. Gulab Kali is responsible for the health of emotions and the heart, supports the nervous system, and cools and soothes the body. Due to its cooling effect, Gallic rose is recommended for alleviating inflammatory complaints. Gulab kali balances pitta, meaning it helps balance our body's thermal regulation, thus reducing inflammation in the body.

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), or Indian madder, is utilized in Ayurveda and traditional Tibetan medicine. This herb removes excess heat from the organs and blood and reduces swelling. Thus, if there is inflammation in the body, manjistha can help reduce its symptoms. It also has lymph-cleansing effects and is frequently used for allergic skin problems. It not only aids the health of our body but also our mind, as it can contribute to the alleviation of anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), also known as red spiderling, is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat multiple problems. This herb removes edema, purifies the blood, is very good for strengthening the liver, improving digestion, and reducing uric acid, as it cleanses the body of toxins. Its most important property is that it is a very strong natural anti-inflammatory. As it also helps reduce bloating, its use is recommended in cases of digestive inflammation.

Jamun seed (Syzygium cumini), also known as common apple seed, is a highlighted herb in Ayurveda due to its kapha balancing effect. It contributes to the formation of a healthy blood picture. Due to its blood-purifying effect, jamun is considered a real cardiovascular tonic. The jamun seed plays an important role in digestive health, supporting the proper functioning of the pancreas and stomach. Its cleansing effect on the intestines makes it recommended for use in case of digestive inflammations.

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